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Home >Xml > Why Transform XML?

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XML is a simple, standard way to interchange structured textual data between computer programs. Part of its success comes because it is also readable and writable by humans, using nothing more complicated than a text editor, but this doesn't alter the fact that it is primarily intended for communication between software systems. As such, XML satisfies two compelling requirements:

Separating data from presentation. The need to separate information (such as a weather forecast) from details of the way it is to be presented on a particular device. This need is becoming ever more urgent as the range of internet-capable devices grows. Organizations that have invested in creating valuable information sources need to be able to deliver them not only to the traditional PC-based web browser (which itself now comes in many flavors), but also to TV sets and WAP phones, not to mention the continuing need to produce print-on-paper.

Transmitting data between applications. The need to transmit information (such as orders and invoices) from one organization to another without investing in bespoke software integration projects. As electronic commerce gathers pace, the amount of data exchanged between enterprises increases daily and this need becomes ever more urgent.

Of course, these two ways of using XML are not mutually exclusive. An invoice can be presented on the screen as well as being input to a financial application package, and weather forecasts can be summarized, indexed, and aggregated by the recipient instead of being displayed directly. Another of the key benefits of XML is that it unifies the worlds of documents and data, providing a single way of representing structure regardless of whether the information is intended for human or machine consumption. The main point is that, whether the XML data is ultimately used by people or by a software application, it will very rarely be used directly in the form it arrives: it first has to be transformed into something else.

In order to communicate with a human reader, this something else might be a document that can be displayed or printed: for example an HTML file, a PDF file, or even audible sound. Converting XML to HTML for display is probably the most common application of XSLT today, and it is the one I will use in most of the examples in this book. Once you have the data in HTML format, it can be displayed on any browser.

In order to transfer data between different applications we need to be able to transform data from the data model used by one application to the model used in another. To load the data into an application, the required format might be a comma-separated-values file, a SQL script, an HTTP message, or a sequence of calls on a particular programming interface. Alternatively, it might be another XML file using a different vocabulary from the original. As XML-based electronic commerce becomes widespread, so the role of XSLT in data conversion between applications also becomes ever more important. Just because everyone is using XML does not mean the need for data conversion will disappear. There will always be multiple standards in use. For example, the newspaper industry is likely to use different formats for exchanging news articles from the format used in the TV industry. Equally, there will always be a need to do things like extracting an address from a purchase order and adding it to an invoice. So linking up enterprises to do e-Commerce will increasingly become a case of defining how to extract and combine data from one set of XML documents to generate another set of XML documents: and XSLT is the ideal tool for the job.

At the end of this chapter we will come back to specific examples of when XLST should be used to transform XML. For now, I just wanted to establish just a general feel for the importance and usefulness of transforming XML. Before we move on to discuss XSLT in more detail and have a first look at how it works, let's take a look at an example that clearly demonstrates the variety of formats to which we can transform XML, using XSLT.

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signal Marco Magnani


Il web è un giovane media: infatti ha solo 10 anni di età.
Si pensi alla televisione o al cinema all'età di 10 anni. A quei tempi questi media erano primitivi, ancora alla ricerca della loro strada. Venivano esplorati i limiti della nuova tecnologia, ma grandi progressi dovevano ancora essere raggiunti.
Oggi, i professionisti del web si trovano nella stessa fase. Sono pionieri che stanno ancora esplorando i limiti del nuovo media. Senza dubbio, i nostri nipoti, quando vedranno quello che abbiamo fatto pensaranno a qualcosa di elementare.
C'è ancora molto da scopire su quello che il Web può fare e suo come può essere utilizzato.
Jason Foss

Il web è un giovane media: infatti ha solo 10 anni di età.
Si pensi alla televisione o al cinema all'età di 10 anni. A quei tempi questi media erano primitivi, ancora alla ricerca della loro strada. Venivano esplorati i limiti della nuova tecnologia, ma grandi progressi dovevano ancora essere raggiunti.
Oggi, i professionisti del web si trovano nella stessa fase. Sono pionieri che stanno ancora esplorando i limiti del nuovo media. Senza dubbio, i nostri nipoti, quando vedranno quello che abbiamo fatto pensaranno a qualcosa di elementare.
C'è ancora molto da scopire su quello che il Web può fare e suo come può essere utilizzato.
Jason Foss

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Nicoleta e Marco Magnani tutorial, examples, courses, esempi, corsi, esercizi, appunti vari Dottoressa Nicoleta Dragu Formatrice Docente Insegnante Mediatrice Culturale Dott. Marco Magnani Universita La Sapienza Roma Master Computer Science Hunter College New York , Data Base Administrator DBA oracle System architect

Last modified: 2017-11-30 amministratore@fishscript.comNico and Marco Magnani Software Production
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