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Nascita di C++
Check if database is running on Rac or Exclusive via plsql dbms_utility
Eseguire pił comandi in una sola linea
Esempio tipo VARRAY
Per il compilatore Microsoft Visual C++
Shell scripting...
Compact if construct
Basically, a web session can be defined as the timeframe in which a visitor navigates your web site.
Php Funzione mail()
XPath is a language for addressing parts of an XML document.
It is designed to be used by XSLT and XPointer.
Basically, a web session can be defined as the timeframe in which a visitor navigates your web site.
Home >C++ > Visual C++ 2005
1) Installing Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition. It is free. 2) Launch Visual Studio command prompt panel. 3) type notepad nativeProg.cpp paste the following code: // simple native C++ program int main() { System::Console::WriteLine("This is a simple native C++ program"); for(int i=1; i<4;i++){ System::Console::Write(i); System::Console::WriteLine(" HELLO FROM C++"); } } Of course you can create, edit and save the file also with your preferred text editor as long you save it in C:\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC> 4) Compile the source file:
C:\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC>cl /clr nativeProg.cpp
If you get right these steps you should have not compilation errors:
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.42
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 2.00.50727.42 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. nativeProg.cpp Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 8.00.50727.42 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. /out:nativeProg.exe nativeProg.obj 5) The compiler has created the following files:
nativeProg.exe nativeProg.exe.manifest The .obj file is an intermediate format file not human readable. The .manifest file is an XML containing information about the assembly. Anyhow, what matters it is that the source file as been complied successfully and the executable file has been created (nativeProg.exe), you can run the program simply typing its name:
C:\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC>nativeProg
The excutable file should display the following sort of output:
C:\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC>nativeprog
This is a simple native C++ program 1 HELLO FROM C++ 2 HELLO FROM C++ 3 HELLO FROM C++ Warning: include(ads/text468x15.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\inetpub\webs\fishscriptcom\documents\view_document.php on line 131 Warning: include(): Failed opening 'ads/text468x15.html' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in D:\inetpub\webs\fishscriptcom\documents\view_document.php on line 131 Tutorial Visual C++ 2005 compiling from command line [C++] Script Operatore di input // Lettura di caratteri e numeri interi inputati [C++] Algoritmo ricerca binaria Fondamentali: trova la posizione del numero ricercato [C++] Cast Semplice esempio da double a int [C++] Classic Hello World da console Il primo classico script [C++] Filesystem: lettura e scrittura di dati Potenza di C++: lettura di un file txt, conversione in maiuscole delle iniziali di ogni parola e copia in file txt (out.txt) [C++] Semplice esempio di stampa da console iostream, cout e l'operatore di output (<<) [C++] Stampa del risultato di una somma Assegnazioni di valori interi a variabili [C++] Ciclo do/while Stampa i fattoriali fino ad un limite definito [C++] Controllo in un ciclo Restituisce la somma e la media della serie dei numeri inputati [C++] Cicli annidati Stampa della tabella pitagorica [C++]
Marco Magnani marcomagnani@fishscript.com
Nascita di C++
A good scientist is a person with original ideas.
A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering. Freeman Dyson A good scientist is a person with original ideas.
A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering. Freeman Dyson
Nascita di C++
Header file
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Array in do while construct
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Nicoleta e Marco Magnani tutorial, examples, courses, esempi, corsi, esercizi, appunti vari Dottoressa Nicoleta Dragu Formatrice Docente Insegnante Mediatrice Culturale Dott. Marco Magnani Universita La Sapienza Roma Master Computer Science Hunter College New York , Data Base Administrator DBA oracle System architect |