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Home >Shell scripting > Shell script automating oracle data pump schema export
Oracle 10g Data Pump utility is revolutionary. It allows write and scheduling parallel export server side quickly and handy. Sometimes, in my test environment I still use shell scripts as this one to execute export routines even with Data Pump. Sometimes, I use a slight different script that takes advantage of parallel export and compress files on backgrounds. Features:
# file expschemas.sh
# tested on SunOS 5.10 clear declare -a vschema # set the array with the name of schemas to export vschema[0]=SCOTT vschema[1]=SCHEMA1 vschema[2]=SCHEMA2 export vdpdir=replat_dump echo "INSERIRE PASSWORD x SYSTEM " read -s psw i=0 while [ "$i" -lt "${#vschema[*]}" ] do export vdumpfile=${vschema[$i]}_`date +%Y_%m_%d`.dmp export vlogfile=${vschema[$i]}_`date +%Y_%m_%d`.log echo "... EXPORT SCHEMA: ${vschema[$i]} IN FILE $vdumpfile" expdp system/$psw PARALLEL=4 dumpfile=$vdumpfile schemas=${vschema[$i]} logfile=$vlogfile directory=$vdpdir echo "... FILE COMPRESSION $vdumpfile" compress $vdumpfile vdumpfile="${vdumpfile}.Z" echo "... FILE POLICIES $vdumpfile" echo $vdumpfile chmod a=xr $vdumpfile let i+=1 done Warning: include(ads/text468x15.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\inetpub\webs\fishscriptcom\documents\view_document.php on line 131 Warning: include(): Failed opening 'ads/text468x15.html' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in D:\inetpub\webs\fishscriptcom\documents\view_document.php on line 131 Tutorial Executing a shell script [Unix] Shell scripting passare parametri ad un programma [Shell scripting] Cheking mandatory parameters have been passed to shell file, comparing strings in if construct and some other basics warming up with shell scripting [Shell scripting] Estendere un logical volume e di un filesystem allocare pił storage da riga di comando su Unix Hp [HP UX 11i] Korn shell scripting If constructs AND, OR, &&, || syntax examples [Unix] Function connecting to oracle getting results, executing query, verify db connection [Shell scripting] Cheking parameters have been passed to shell file, comparing strings in if construct warming up with shell scripting [Shell scripting] awk command line tutorial and examples sintax, functions, conditional constructs, text file operations [Unix] How many processor and what kind of CPU extracting info from red hat system file /proc/cpuinfo [REDHAT] sed command example on fixing errors and adding and removing blank lines [Unix] Shell scripting eseguire controlli [Shell scripting] Script while do loop simple shell script [Shell scripting] if e else strutture condizionali [Shell scripting] Array valorizzazione e stampa [Shell scripting] Hide user input on screen parameter of read command [Shell scripting] Array in do while construct printing elements [Shell scripting] Shell script automating oracle data pump schema export automatically export and compress database schemas in single separated dump files [Shell scripting] Script per ricavare i nomi dei db (SID) dal file oratab [Unix] Ciclo sul contenuto directory [Shell scripting] If contruct check if a value is null or not [Unix] Shell script extract items and looping example: issue dba statment for each db listed in oratab [Unix] Passing parameters to shell script example sum of two numbers [Shell scripting] Export and compress dump on the fly script to reduce storage need while using exp and imp Oracle utilities [Unix] Pulire i file provenienti da ambieti dos/ windoes da caratteri sporchi dos2ux, dos2unix per eliminare i control M (^M) [Shell scripting] Script for archiving and compressing folder and file utility example [Shell scripting] How to get size or other file info in a shell script manipulating with cut or awk operative system commands output [Shell scripting] Comandi Privilegi su file o cartella (lettura, scrittura, execuzione) [Unix] Cancellazione di una directory rm o rmdir [Unix] Cd: cambiare directory [Unix] Copiare un file in un altra cartella [Unix] hostname [HP UX 11i] uname visaulizza informazioni sul sistema operativo e la versione [HP UX 11i] ipcs report stato dei processi [HP UX 11i] getconf ricavare se si ha a disposizione un Kernel da 32-bit o 64-bit [HP UX 11i] swlist -l patch determinare il software e le patch installate nella piattaforma [HP UX 11i] who determinare gli utenti connessi [Unix] shutdown [Unix] env visualizzazione (e modifica) variabili dell'ambiente [Unix] w attivitą degli utenti [Unix] bdf visualizzare spazio disponibile [HP UX 11i] df visualizzazione spazio disponibile [Unix]
Marco Magnani marcomagnani@fishscript.com
Cerca A good scientist is a person with original ideas.
A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering. Freeman Dyson A good scientist is a person with original ideas.
A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering. Freeman Dyson
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Nicoleta e Marco Magnani tutorial, examples, courses, esempi, corsi, esercizi, appunti vari Dottoressa Nicoleta Dragu Formatrice Docente Insegnante Mediatrice Culturale Dott. Marco Magnani Universita La Sapienza Roma Master Computer Science Hunter College New York , Data Base Administrator DBA oracle System architect |